Mitcham Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Pregnancy and birth are exciting and challenging events for a family. At Mitcham Private Hospital, we understand this and deliver a maternity experience like no other.

We welcome you to enjoy your pregnancy and birth experience, your way. With continuity of care by one of our leading obstetricians, education classes, ongoing care from our midwives, plus brand-new private hotel style maternity suites featuring little luxuries the whole family can enjoy.

Our Services

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Call us or contact us  for more information about having your baby at Mitcham Private Hospital - Mon – Fri 7 am to 3 pm or Sat 7 am to midday.

(03) 9210 3111

During your pregnancy at any stage, if you are worried about yourself or your baby, or you think you may be in labour, please contact us on

(03) 9210 3111.

3 pm to 4 pm and 7 pm to 8 pm.
Rest period between 1 pm and 3 pm.
Visiting hours and rest periods do not apply to partners.

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